.. django-contentadmin documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Jul 3 10:43:19 2011. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to django-contentadmin's documentation! =============================================== Templatetags that let your constumer modify static text and images directly in the django admin. Installation ============ Using easy_install ------------------ If you have easy_install available, you can type:: easy_install -U django-contentadmin Using pip --------- If you prefer pip, run:: pip install django-contentadmin Install the in-developmen version:: pip install -e hg+http://bitbucket.org/surfeurx/django-contentadmin Requirements ============ django-contentadmin has a relatively easily-met set of requirements. * django 1.2+ * django-form-utils * easy_thumbnails Usage ===== Add ``'contentadmin'`` to you ``INSTALLED_APPS``. then run syncdb or migrations:: python manage.py migrate contentadmin Contentadmin contains the following templatetags. ``blocktext`` ------------- :: {% load contentadmin_tags %} {% blocktext [page_name] [block_name] [admin_text] %}default text{% endblocktext %} where ``admin_text`` is optional. ``blockimage`` -------------- :: {% load contentadmin_tags %} {% blockimage [page_name] [block_name] [width] [height] [admin_text] %}{{ MEDIA_URL }}default_image.jpg{% endblocktext %} ``admin_text`` is optional. You can access to the admin to modify your texts and images. The modified images are automatically resized with easy_thumbnails. ``unusedblocks`` ---------------- If you modify ``block_name`` or ``page_name`` they still exists in admin, to remove them automatically add:: {% load contentadmin_tags %}{% unusedblocks %} Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`